
Google News: A POV

Have you ever considered including your news content in Google News? It tends to be overlooked by non-publisher sites, but this platform  represents a huge opportunity for brands to get the edge over their competitors. What is Google News and Why is it Important? Google News is a vertical engine created to collect and aggregate …

HTTP2 Explained

What is HTTP? HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and is the way in which data is sent over the Internet. It is an application protocol that sets the rules for how user agents, such as Google Chrome or Safari, can communicate with a server to request content, like a website. What is HTTP/2? HTTP/2 …

Google Changes Search Layout

This week Google have expanded a long-running experiment on desktop search results, and rolled the change out to all users. By removing ads on the right hand side but adding another ad on top (bringing the total from three to four) they have changed the experience for brands and consumers. Google’s search results used to …

Google testing black hyperlinks and green ad tags

Over the last week or so Google appear to be rolling out a test on the SERP on a small number of users. At Displaying Ads our team have seen black hyperlinks (instead of blue) and green ad tags (in place of orange). Personally, I only saw this happen on Safari iOS while signed in …

What is AngularJS?

What is AngularJS? AngularJS is hardly anything new but it still remains a “cool kid”. Designed by Google in 2009, Angular is a JavaScript MVC framework that brings all of the functionality of single page applications (SPAs) into a simple, easy-to-use package. It contains everything you need to create SPAs: routing, two-way data binding, unit testing, rendering of …

Webmaster Guidelines

As with all major changes, earlier this year Google opted to quietly update the Webmaster Guideline. This is the first place where anybody interested in SEO should go to stay informed about Google SEO best practices. Although Google, for many years, challenged webmasters over the world to follow the Webmaster Guidelines in an attempt to …

Google Squared And All Things Mobile

Google Squared: Week 2 Our second week at Squared was to be all things Mobile and the ever increasing significance of mobile technologies in digital campaigns. The first half of the week we were deeply involved in finalising and pitching our businesses to a panel of industry leaders, including our Squared Programme leaders. This was …

End of age-based digital divide: new study dispels ‘silver surfer’ myths

Older generations just as digitally confident and socially engaged as younger counterparts. Traditional stereotypes, which contrast tech-savvy youth against older generation technophobes are unfounded, according to our new research. Our study, ‘The Ageless Internet: From Silver Surfers to Golden Geeks’, challenges the myths around technology adoption and digital media habits among older people. It reveals …

Next Gen 2016

NextGen is personal development programme developed jointly by Displaying Ads with Google. It’s a Digital Marketing Leadership course split across five main modules, each covering a different facet of digital marketing and leadership. The NextGen course is important for those who work in the industry and feel that they may be only exposed to one …

A Day In The Life Of A Graduate In Our CRO Team

By Nick Rhodes 9:15 – Wide awake and still buzzing from the gym, I race the lift up to the fifth floor in time for a quick browse of news sites and RSS feeds before the day begins. In such a dynamic and rapidly evolving industry, we’re always on the lookout for new developments and innovations …

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